Taxi fare Amsterdam
Amsterdam taxi centrale has a clear rating structure. If you order a taxi by phone, we use the taxi meter prices that are legally determined by the Dutch state. The driver uses the taximeter, so you can see what the costs will be.
Calculate taxi costs.
1 to 4 persons: »Starting rate: € 3.25. »Rate per kilometer: € 2.40. »Rate per minute: € 0.40. »Waiting rate: € 44.92 per hour.
5 to 8 persons: »Starting rate: € 6.60. »Rate per kilometer: € 3.02. »Rate per minute: € 0.45. »Waiting rate: € 44.92 per hour.
Calculate online booking fix price
If you would like to know the price of your ride in advance, please use the calculation system on the homepage of our website .
The benefits of an online booking at Amsterdam taxi central:
– fixed prices
– 25% cheaper than the meter price
– no surprises
– you are never paying too much
Order a taxi in advance and save a lot on the fare. View the rate here ! Our drivers will bring you to location on time. Your booking is immediately confirmed by email. Right on time.